Definition of jab




The word "jab" has a fascinating history! The most common definition of "jab" refers to a quick, thrusting blow, typically with the fist. This meaning of the word originates from the 17th-century English dialect, where "jab" was used to describe a sudden, quick movement. In this context, the word was likely derived from the Old English verb "jabian," which meant to jab or thrust with the elbow. Over time, the word evolved to encompass various meanings, such as a punch or a quick, vigorous motion. Today, "jab" is widely used in various contexts, including sports, medicine, and colloquial language. Its versatility and adaptability have made it a staple in modern English vocabulary.


to push a pointed object into somebody/something, or in the direction of somebody/something, with a sudden strong movement

đẩy một vật nhọn vào ai/cái gì, hoặc theo hướng của ai/cái gì, với một chuyển động mạnh đột ngột

  • She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger.

    Cô dùng ngón tay thọc mạnh vào sườn anh.

  • She jabbed her finger in his ribs.

    Cô thọc ngón tay vào xương sườn anh.

  • He jabbed at the picture with his finger.

    Anh dùng ngón tay chọc vào bức ảnh.

  • The boxer jabbed at his opponent.

    Võ sĩ đấm mạnh vào đối thủ.

Extra examples:
  • He jabbed a finger in her direction.

    Anh chỉ một ngón tay về phía cô.

  • She started jabbing at the calculator.

    Cô ấy bắt đầu gõ nhẹ vào máy tính.

Related words and phrases

to vaccinate somebody against a disease

chủng ngừa cho ai đó chống lại một căn bệnh

  • He refuses to say whether he has been jabbed against Covid.

    Anh ta từ chối cho biết liệu anh ta có bị tấn công bởi Covid hay không.

  • Over 80% of the population is now double-jabbed (= has had two vaccinations against Covid-19)

    Hơn 80% dân số hiện đã được tiêm vắc xin hai lần (= đã tiêm hai mũi vắc xin chống lại Covid-19)

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