Definition of intoxicating


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The word "intoxicating" has a fascinating origin tied to the Latin word "toxicum," meaning "poison." This stemmed from the Greek "toxikon," referring to poison used on arrows. Over time, "toxicum" evolved into the Latin "intoxicare," meaning "to poison," which then became the English word "intoxicate." Interestingly, while the original connection was to harmful poisons, it eventually broadened to describe the exhilarating and often overwhelming effects of alcohol and other substances.


that can cause somebody to lose control of their behaviour or their physical and mental abilities

điều đó có thể khiến ai đó mất kiểm soát hành vi hoặc khả năng thể chất và tinh thần của họ

making you feel excited so that you cannot think clearly

làm cho bạn cảm thấy phấn khích đến mức bạn không thể suy nghĩ rõ ràng

  • Power can be intoxicating.

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