Definition of intercourse


giao hợp


The word "intercourse" has its roots in Middle English, specifically in the form "yntercours." It originated from the Old French phrase "entre corz," which translates to "between the hips." The French phrase itself is a compound of "entre," meaning "between," and "corz," meaning "ribs" or "flanks." In medieval times, the term "corz" was used to describe the upper part of the torso, including the ribcage and hips, which were thought to be the areas involved in sexual activity. The term "intercourse" was originally used to refer to any kind of communication or exchange between people, not just sexual activity. However, the term's sexual connotations became more pronounced over time, and by the 16th century, it had come to specifically refer to sexual activity between two people. The use of the term "intercourse" to refer to sexual activity fell out of favor in the late 20th century, as more explicit and less euphemistic terms like "sex" and "intimacy" came into use. However, "intercourse" remains a part of the English language, and is still used by some people, particularly in more formal or traditional contexts.


the physical activity of sex, usually describing the act of a man putting his penis inside a woman’s vagina

hoạt động thể chất của tình dục, thường mô tả hành động của một người đàn ông đưa dương vật của mình vào âm đạo của phụ nữ

  • The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions.

    Bên công tố tuyên bố rằng giao hợp đã xảy ra nhiều lần.

  • anal intercourse

    quan hệ qua đường hậu môn

Extra examples:
  • He admitted that intercourse had taken place.

    Anh ta thừa nhận việc giao hợp đã diễn ra.

  • She denied having had sexual intercourse with him.

    Cô phủ nhận đã quan hệ tình dục với anh ta.

  • She never had sexual intercourse before she was married.

    Cô chưa từng quan hệ tình dục trước khi kết hôn.

  • The judge asked if she had consented to intercourse.

    Thẩm phán hỏi liệu cô có đồng ý giao hợp hay không.

  • intercourse between consenting adults

    quan hệ tình dục giữa những người lớn đồng ý

communication between people, countries, etc.

giao tiếp giữa con người, quốc gia, v.v.

  • the importance of social intercourse between different age groups

    tầm quan trọng của giao tiếp xã hội giữa các nhóm tuổi khác nhau

  • Life is a pleasant blend of work and social intercourse.

    Cuộc sống là sự kết hợp thú vị giữa công việc và giao tiếp xã hội.

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