Definition of inquisitor


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The word "inquisitor" originates from the Latin phrase "inquisitor," meaning "one who inquires." This term was originally used in the medieval period to describe a person who conducted an investigation or inquiry, often into matters of faith or heresy. In the 12th century, the Catholic Church established the Medieval Inquisition to root out heresy and witchcraft, and the term "inquisitor" became closely associated with the office of the Church official who was responsible for conducting these investigations. Over time, the meaning of the word "inquisitor" expanded to include anyone who was responsible for questioning and investigating, often in a formal or official capacity. Today, the term is still used in various contexts, including law enforcement, religious organizations, and academic research, to describe someone who is responsible for inquiring into facts or circumstances.


a person who asks a lot of difficult questions, especially in a way that makes you feel threatened

một người hỏi nhiều câu hỏi khó, đặc biệt là theo cách khiến bạn cảm thấy bị đe dọa

an officer of the inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church

một viên chức của tòa án dị giáo của Giáo hội Công giáo La Mã