Definition of infinity


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The word "infinity" has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy. The Greek word "àphorme" (αφορμή) was first used to describe a mathematical concept of an unbounded or indeterminate magnitude. This term is often translated into English as "limit" or "bound." Hellenistic mathematicians such as Euclid and Archimedes expanded on this idea, representing it as the concept we now know as infinity. In the Middle Ages, several thinkers, including the Christian theologian Thomas Aquinas, used the Latin term "infinitas" to describe the divine attributes of God, as they believed that God was infinite in his knowledge, power, goodness, and mercy. Hypothesizing on the nature of infinity also became a topic of debate among philosophers at the time, with many arguing that it was impossible for anything to be truly infinite. During the Renaissance, renewed interest in ancient Greek thought and mathematical breakthroughs such as Leonhard Euler's work on the idea of "imaginary numbers" brought new attention to the concept of infinity in mathematics and philosophy. It was then that the German mathematician and philosopher G.W. Leibniz placed the term "infinitas" within the framework of calculus and set theory, giving it its modern mathematical definition of an unbounded or limitless quantity. Overall, the origin of the word "infinity" reflects the ongoing history of human attempts to understand the universe's vastness and the limitations of the human mind's ability to understand it.


the state of having no end or limit

trạng thái không có kết thúc hoặc giới hạn

  • the infinity/infinities of space

    sự vô tận/sự vô tận của không gian

a point far away that can never be reached

một điểm rất xa mà không bao giờ có thể đạt được

  • The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity.

    Cảnh vật dường như kéo dài đến vô tận.

Extra examples:
  • He could have jumped off the cliff into infinity.

    Anh ta có thể đã nhảy khỏi vách đá vào vô cực.

  • In this weather the cliff face was a foggy drop into infinity.

    Trong thời tiết này, mặt vách đá như một màn sương mù rơi vào vô tận.

  • Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.

    Về mặt lý thuyết, một đường thẳng có thể kéo dài đến vô tận.

  • Parallel lines appear to meet at infinity.

    Các đường thẳng song song dường như gặp nhau ở vô cực.

a number larger than any other

một con số lớn hơn bất kỳ số nào khác

  • The number tends towards infinity.

    Con số có xu hướng tiến tới vô cùng.

a large amount that is impossible to count

một số lượng lớn không thể đếm được

  • an infinity of stars

    vô số ngôi sao

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