Definition of indecisively


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The word "indecisively" has a rich history. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "in" (meaning "not" or "opposite of") and "decidere" (meaning "to decide"). The phrase "indecisively" was first used to describe a person who was not making a decision, or was unable to decide. Over time, the term evolved to encompass a sense of uncertainty or lack of confidence in one's decisions. In modern usage, "indecisively" is often used to describe someone who is struggling to make a choice or takes an unclear or half-hearted approach. In literature, examples of "indecisively" can be found in works by William Shakespeare, such as "Hamlet", where the titular character's indecisive nature is a notable theme. Today, "indecisively" remains a common adjective used to describe decision-making processes in various contexts, from personal to professional.


in a way that shows you cannot make a decision about something

theo cách cho thấy bạn không thể đưa ra quyết định về điều gì đó

  • He lingered indecisively outside the train station.

    Anh ta chần chừ không quyết định bên ngoài nhà ga.

in a way that does not provide a clear and definite answer or result

theo cách không đưa ra câu trả lời hoặc kết quả rõ ràng và chắc chắn

  • The struggle ended indecisively.

    Cuộc đấu tranh kết thúc mà không có kết quả rõ ràng.

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