Definition of thankful


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The word "thankful" has its roots in the Old English language. It originated from two Anglo-Saxon words: "þænk" (meaning "thank") and "ful" (meaning "full"). The compound word "þænkful" thus denoted someone who was "full of thanks" or, more simply, grateful. As English evolved over the centuries, the spelling of "þænkful" changed, and it eventually became the word "thankful" that we use today. It entered Middle English in the 12th century, when it was spelled "thankful" or "thankfull". In Old English, the root word "þænk" was also used as a verb meaning "to thank" or "to give thanks". The modern English word "thank" is a descendant of this Old English word. The concept of gratefulness itself, as represented by the word "thankful", is a fundamental part of many cultures and religions worldwide. Whether expressed through spiritual devotion, social customs, or cultural traditions, thankfulness is a universal human value that promotes positive emotions and fosters strong social bonds between individuals and communities. Today, the term "thankful" is commonly used to express gratitude and appreciation in a variety of contexts. It can refer to a person's general disposition of gratitude, or it can denote a specific act of thanksgiving, such as saying "thank you" or expressing gratitude for a particular benefit or blessing. In sum, the term "thankful" is a linguistic testament to the enduring human virtue of gratitude, rooted in ancient linguistic traditions and infused with a timeless cultural significance. With its evolution over the course of centuries, "thankful" serves as a reminder of the deep historical and cultural roots of gratitude, a value that continues to be central to human life today.

  • I am thankful for my family's love and support during these challenging times.

    Tôi biết ơn tình yêu thương và sự ủng hộ của gia đình trong thời điểm khó khăn này.

  • Every morning, I wake up thankful for another chance to learn and grow.

    Mỗi sáng, tôi thức dậy với lòng biết ơn vì có thêm một cơ hội để học hỏi và phát triển.

  • After a long day at work, I am thankful for the warm embrace of my cozy bed.

    Sau một ngày dài làm việc, tôi cảm thấy biết ơn vì được nằm trên chiếc giường ấm áp.

  • The kind gesture of a stranger made me thankful for the inherent goodness of humanity.

    Cử chỉ tử tế của một người lạ khiến tôi cảm thấy biết ơn lòng tốt vốn có của con người.

  • Watching the sun set filled me with a sense of gratitude for the beauty of nature.

    Ngắm hoàng hôn khiến tôi tràn ngập cảm giác biết ơn trước vẻ đẹp của thiên nhiên.

  • The delicious meal that my friend prepared for me left me feeling thankful for her generosity.

    Bữa ăn ngon mà bạn tôi chuẩn bị khiến tôi cảm thấy biết ơn vì sự hào phóng của cô ấy.

  • Despite the illness that has been plaguing me, I am thankful for my health overall and for the many ways in which I can still enjoy life.

    Bất chấp căn bệnh đang hành hạ tôi, tôi vẫn biết ơn sức khỏe nói chung và biết ơn vì vẫn có thể tận hưởng cuộc sống.

  • Listening to my favorite song makes me thankful for the power of music to uplift my spirits.

    Nghe bài hát yêu thích khiến tôi biết ơn sức mạnh của âm nhạc trong việc nâng cao tinh thần của tôi.

  • The thoughtful gift that my partner gave me left me feeling grateful for the depth of our relationship.

    Món quà chu đáo mà người yêu tặng khiến tôi cảm thấy biết ơn về mối quan hệ sâu sắc của chúng tôi.

  • The opportunity to offer assistance to someone in need made me thankful for the chance to make a difference.

    Cơ hội được hỗ trợ người đang gặp khó khăn khiến tôi cảm thấy biết ơn vì có cơ hội tạo nên sự khác biệt.


be grateful/thankful for small mercies
to be happy that a situation that is bad is not as bad as it could have been
  • Well, at least you weren't hurt. I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies.