Definition of inch


đơn vị đo chiều dài Anh bằng 2, 54 cm


Definition of undefined

The word "inch" has a fascinating history! The modern English word "inch" comes from the Old English word "ynce" or "ynca", which was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*ankiz", meaning "thumb". This is because the length of an inch was originally equivalent to the length of three barleycorns placed end to end, equivalent to the length of a human thumb from the tip to the first knuckle. The Old English word "ynce" was later influenced by the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, leading to the Modern English word "inch". Despite changes in measurement standards over time, the word "inch" has remained a consistent unit of length in the English system of measurement.


a unit for measuring length or height, equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are 12 inches in a foot.

đơn vị đo chiều dài hoặc chiều cao, bằng 2,54 cm Có 12 inch trong một bàn chân.

  • She's a few inches taller than me.

    Cô ấy cao hơn tôi vài inch.

  • a laptop with a 15-inch screen

    một máy tính xách tay có màn hình 15 inch

  • Each image measures 46 x 28 inches.

    Mỗi hình ảnh có kích thước 46 x 28 inch.

  • a fat envelope about half an inch thick

    một phong bì dày khoảng nửa inch

  • The snow is about one and a half inches deep.

    Tuyết dày khoảng một inch rưỡi.

  • 1.14 inches of rain fell last night.

    Đêm qua có lượng mưa 1,14 inch.

  • Every square inch of available land has been built on.

    Mỗi inch vuông đất sẵn có đã được xây dựng trên đó.

  • a metal tube about three inches in diameter

    một ống kim loại có đường kính khoảng ba inch

  • They feed on leaves and may grow to two inches in length.

    Chúng ăn lá và có thể dài tới 2 inch.

  • Since I started jogging I've lost three and a half inches from my waistline.

    Kể từ khi bắt đầu chạy bộ, vòng eo của tôi đã giảm được 3,5 inch.

  • Babies focus best on objects ten inches from their eyes.

    Trẻ tập trung tốt nhất vào các vật cách mắt 10 inch.

Related words and phrases

a small amount or distance

một lượng nhỏ hoặc khoảng cách

  • He escaped death by an inch.

    Anh ta đã thoát chết trong gang tấc.

  • The car missed us by inches.

    Chiếc xe cách chúng tôi vài centimet.

  • She was within an inch of being killed.

    Cô ấy chỉ còn cách một inch nữa là bị giết.

  • They beat him (to) within an inch of his life (= very severely).

    Họ đánh anh ta (đến) trong vòng một inch của cuộc đời anh ta (= rất nặng).

  • Her face was only inches from mine.

    Mặt cô ấy chỉ cách mặt tôi vài inch.

  • He was just inches away from scoring.

    Anh ấy chỉ còn cách bàn thắng vài inch.


every inch
(figurative)the whole of something
  • The doctor examined every inch of his body.
  • If they try to fire me I'll fight them every inch of the way.
  • completely
  • In his first game the young player already looked every inch a winner.
  • give somebody an inch (and they’ll take a mile/yard)
    (saying)used to say that if you allow some people a small amount of freedom or power they will see you as weak and try to take a lot more
    inch by inch
    very slowly and with great care or difficulty
  • She crawled forward inch by inch.
  • not budge/give/move an inch
    to refuse to change your position, decision, etc. even a little
  • We tried to negotiate a lower price but they wouldn't budge an inch.
  • not trust somebody an inch
    to not trust somebody at all
  • He says he just wants to help you but I wouldn’t trust him an inch if I were you.