Definition of incapable


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The word "incapable" originated from the Old French word "incapable" which meant "unable to be captured" or "unconquerable". This word, in turn, was derived from the Latin word "incapibilis" which formed two parts: "in," meaning "not" or "un," and "capere," meaning "to take" or "to seize." In its original meaning, "incapable" referred to something or someone that was too powerful, too fortified, or too elusive to be taken or defeated. Over time, the meaning of "incapable" evolved to describe someone who is not capable of, or not able to do, something. This new sense of the word is first recorded in the 16th century. Today, "incapable" is commonly used to describe a person who lacks the necessary skills, knowledge, or resources to perform a specific task or fulfill a certain responsibility. It can also be used to indicate a lack of physical or mental capacity, as in the expression "incapable of walking" or "incapable of understanding." In summary, the word "incapable" originated in the Old French language and was derived from the Latin words "in" and "capere." Its meaning has evolved over time to describe someone who lacks the ability to do something, a development that first occurred in the 16th century.


not able to do something

không thể làm gì đó

  • incapable of speech

    không có khả năng nói

  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.

    Bọn trẻ dường như hoàn toàn không có khả năng tự làm việc.

Extra examples:
  • He was apparently physically incapable of lowering his voice.

    Rõ ràng là về mặt thể chất, ông không có khả năng hạ giọng.

  • She was constitutionally incapable of bad temper.

    Về mặt hiến pháp, cô ấy không có khả năng nóng nảy.

  • Exhaustion had made him incapable of thinking clearly.

    Sự kiệt sức đã khiến anh không thể suy nghĩ sáng suốt.

not able to control yourself or your affairs; not able to do anything well

không thể kiểm soát bản thân hoặc công việc của mình; không thể làm tốt bất cứ điều gì

  • If people keep telling you you're incapable, you begin to lose confidence in yourself.

    Nếu mọi người cứ nói với bạn rằng bạn không có năng lực, bạn bắt đầu mất niềm tin vào bản thân.

  • He was found lying in the road, drunk and incapable.

    Người ta tìm thấy anh ta nằm trên đường, trong tình trạng say xỉn và bất lực.

  • This type of arrangement remains valid even if you become mentally incapable.

    Kiểu sắp xếp này vẫn có hiệu lực ngay cả khi bạn mất khả năng trí tuệ.