Definition of impure


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The word "impure" derives from the Old French "impur," which meant "not pure, unclean." This term was borrowed from the Latin "impurus," which also conveyed the idea of being unclean or unfit for use. In its earliest written usage, "impure" was primarily used to describe substances that were contaminated or corrupted, such as water sources that had been polluted with filth or impurities. This meaning can still be seen in modern usage, where "impure" describes materials that contain impurities, such as an "impure" crystal or a "impure" gas. Over time, the meaning of "impure" expanded to describe more than just substances. It came to be applied to non-material things, such as thoughts and behaviors, that were deemed to be impure or unclean. This broadened definition of the word is particularly prevalent in religious and spiritual contexts, where "impure" is often used to describe actions or thoughts that are believed to be sinful or immoral. Today, the word "impure" is commonly used in a variety of contexts, from the scientific to the spiritual. While its original meaning of describing contaminated or corrupted substances remains an important part of its definition, "impure" has come to encompass a much wider range of meanings and applications.


not pure or clean; not consisting of only one substance but mixed with one or more substances often of poorer quality

không trong sạch; không chỉ gồm một chất mà được trộn lẫn với một hoặc nhiều chất thường có chất lượng kém hơn

  • impure gold

    vàng không tinh khiết

  • Some of these drugs are highly impure.

    Một số loại thuốc này rất không tinh khiết.

morally bad, especially because they are connected with sex

xấu về mặt đạo đức, đặc biệt là vì họ có liên quan đến tình dục

  • impure thoughts/motives

    những suy nghĩ/động cơ không trong sạch