Definition of improper


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The word "improper" originally derived from the Latin phrase "proprum" which means "one's own" or "belonging to oneself." When applied to language or behaviour, the term "proper" referred to that which was acceptable or appropriate in a particular context. Conversely, "improper" referred to the opposite - behaviour or language that was unacceptable, inappropriate, or contrary to one's own personal beliefs or norms. In the English language, the word "improper" first appeared in the late 14th century. Its initial use was associated with religious contexts, where it referred to behaviour or actions that were not in accordance with religious principles or scripture. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass a broader range of contexts, such as social customs, manners, and propriety. In modern usage, the word "improper" is often used to describe actions or behaviour that contravene specific norms, standards, or expectations. Its use can also imply a deviation from correctness or strict adherence to rules or principles. In summary, the origin of the word "improper" can be traced back to the Latin term "proprum," which denoted "own" or "belonging to oneself." Its initial usage was linked to religious contexts, but over time, its meaning expanded to refer to actions or behaviour that were contrary to certain norms, standards, or expectations.


dishonest, or morally wrong

không trung thực, hoặc sai về mặt đạo đức

  • He had been indulging in improper business practices.

    Anh ta đã đam mê những hoạt động kinh doanh không đúng đắn.

  • She was suspended for improper conduct.

    Cô đã bị đình chỉ vì hành vi không đúng đắn.

  • There was nothing improper about our relationship (= it did not involve sex).

    Không có gì sai trái trong mối quan hệ của chúng tôi (= nó không liên quan đến tình dục).

  • places where it is considered improper for men and women to kiss in public

    những nơi được coi là không được phép nam nữ hôn nhau ở nơi công cộng

Related words and phrases

not right or appropriate for the situation

không đúng hoặc thích hợp cho tình hình

  • It would be improper to comment at this stage.

    Sẽ là không đúng nếu bình luận ở giai đoạn này.

Related words and phrases

wrong; not correct

sai; không chính xác

  • improper use of the drug

    sử dụng thuốc không đúng cách

Related words and phrases