Definition of idle


nhàn rỗi


The word "idle" is an Old English term that originated from the words "id" meaning "game" or "amusement" and "el" meaning "time." Combining these roots, "idle" originally referred to time spent enjoying leisure activities. As English evolved and the meaning of words changed, "idle" took on new connotations. By the 13th century, it had come to mean time not devoted to work or productive pursuits. In the centuries that followed, "idle" was used to describe a variety of things, from steam engines that were not in use to people who did not have employment. In the present day, it is commonly used to describe a person who is not actively engaged in any productive or meaningful activity. As language continues to evolve, the meaning of "idle" will likely continue to shift and adapt, reflecting the changing needs and perspectives of society. Nonetheless, the concept of "idleness" will undoubtedly persist, as humans continue to grapple with questions of productivity, purpose, and the delicate balance between work and leisure.


not working hard

không làm việc chăm chỉ

  • an idle student

    một sinh viên nhàn rỗi

Related words and phrases

not in use

không được sử dụng

  • to lie/stand/remain idle

    nằm/đứng/không hoạt động

Extra examples:
  • Half their machines are lying idle.

    Một nửa số máy của họ đang nằm im.

  • He did not let the factory become idle.

    Ông không để nhà máy nhàn rỗi.

  • The pumps are standing idle.

    Các máy bơm đang đứng yên.

  • The land was left idle for years.

    Mảnh đất bị bỏ hoang nhiều năm.

without work

khong co cong viec

  • Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle.

    Hơn 10% lực lượng lao động hiện đang nhàn rỗi.

  • He never stayed idle for long.

    Anh ấy không bao giờ đứng yên lâu.

Related words and phrases

with no particular purpose or effect

không có mục đích hoặc tác dụng cụ thể

  • idle chatter/curiosity

    chuyện phiếm/sự tò mò

  • It was just an idle threat (= not serious).

    Đó chỉ là một mối đe dọa vu vơ (= không nghiêm trọng).

  • It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.

    Thật là nhàn rỗi khi giả vờ rằng cuộc hôn nhân của họ thành công.

not spent doing work or something particular

không dành để làm công việc hoặc một cái gì đó cụ thể

  • In idle moments, he carved wooden figures.

    Trong những lúc nhàn rỗi, ông đã khắc những hình tượng bằng gỗ.


the devil makes work for idle hands
(saying)people who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong
  • She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. ‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say.