Definition of ideation


ý tưởng


The word "ideation" originated in the field of psychology in the mid-20th century. It refers to the mental process of generating new ideas, concepts, or solutions to problems. The term combines the Latin prefix "i," meaning "in" or "into," with the root word "cate," meaning "awareness" or "perception," and the suffix "-ion," indicating a process or action. In psychology, ideation is studied as a cognitive ability related to creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills. It is a key aspect of many creative fields, such as design, advertising, and technology, as well as in fields like innovation, research, and development, where generating novel ideas is essential. It is also closely connected to established theories in psychology, such as cognitive psychology, which emphasizes the innate capacity for mental representation, and psychodynamics, which highlights the role of unconscious thought processes, imagination, and symbolic associations in ideation. In summary, "ideation" is a modern word coined through the blending of Latin and Greek etymological roots that combines cognitive awareness with mental processes related to creativity and innovation.


the act of forming ideas or thoughts

hành động hình thành ý tưởng hoặc suy nghĩ

  • Ideation is how designers continuously generate fresh ideas.

    Ý tưởng là cách các nhà thiết kế liên tục tạo ra những ý tưởng mới.

an idea or thought that is formed in somebody's mind

một ý tưởng hoặc suy nghĩ được hình thành trong tâm trí của ai đó

  • help for people who have experienced suicidal ideations

    giúp đỡ những người đã từng có ý định tự tử