Definition of hurtle


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The word "hurtle" first appeared in Middle English around the 1300s, and its origins can be traced back to the Old Norse word "hruthla," which meant "rolled object" or "log floating downstream." The Norse word is believed to have been borrowed by the Old English language, as England was under Norse rule during the 9th century. The Old English word "hyrðlan" was formed, which meant "to roll or hurl" and was also used to describe the movement of rivers and rapids. As English evolved, the word "hyrðlan" transformed into "hurtlen" in Middle English, and eventually, the modern-day word "hurtle" was formed. Today, the word is primarily used to describe something moving quickly or violently, such as a bobsled hurtling down an ice track or a car careening around a corner. It also has a figurative meaning, such as "hurtling towards deadline" to indicate a sense of urgency. Interestingly, the word "hurtle" is related to the Yiddish word "hurtlen," which also means "to roll" or "to tumble." The Yiddish language, which originated in medieval Eastern Europe, is believed to have borrowed the word from Middle High German, where it had been adopted from Old Norse. This showing of the lineage of the word further highlights the linguistic influences that have helped shape the English language over time.

  • As the roller coaster car hurtled down the steep drop, my heart raced with excitement.

    Khi chiếc tàu lượn siêu tốc lao xuống vực sâu, tim tôi đập rộn ràng vì phấn khích.

  • The company's stock prices suddenly hurtled upwards, leaving investors stunned and delighted.

    Giá cổ phiếu của công ty đột nhiên tăng vọt, khiến các nhà đầu tư vừa sửng sốt vừa vui mừng.

  • The athlete's time improved dramatically as she hurtled down the track, breaking the world record.

    Thời gian của vận động viên đã được cải thiện đáng kể khi cô lao nhanh trên đường đua, phá vỡ kỷ lục thế giới.

  • The ship crashed through the water, hurtling towards the dangerous reef.

    Con tàu lao xuống nước, lao nhanh về phía rạn san hô nguy hiểm.

  • With a loud crack, the tree branch hurtled through the air, narrowly missing the pedestrian.

    Với một tiếng rắc lớn, cành cây bay vút lên không trung, suýt trúng người đi bộ.

  • The cryptocurrency value plummeted, hurtling towards zero as panic spread throughout the market.

    Giá trị tiền điện tử giảm mạnh, tiến gần đến mức 0 khi sự hoảng loạn lan rộng khắp thị trường.

  • The ball hit him squarely in the chest, hurtling him backwards and knocking the wind out of him.

    Quả bóng đập thẳng vào ngực anh ta, khiến anh ta ngã về phía sau và mất hết sức lực.

  • The car hurtled towards the intersection, honking its horn as the traffic lights turned green.

    Chiếc xe lao nhanh về phía ngã tư, bấm còi inh ỏi khi đèn giao thông chuyển sang xanh.

  • The earthquake released a deafening roar, hurtling debris and Cathy in all directions.

    Trận động đất tạo ra tiếng gầm rú chói tai, hất tung các mảnh vỡ và Cathy theo mọi hướng.

  • The hospitals struggled to cope as the virus hurtled through the population, overwhelming the healthcare system.

    Các bệnh viện phải vật lộn để ứng phó khi virus lây lan trong dân chúng, gây quá tải cho hệ thống chăm sóc sức khỏe.