Definition of horology


đồng hồ học


The term "horology" refers to the scientific study of time measurement, which includes the design, construction, and study of clocks and watches. The origin of the word "horology" can be traced back to the Latin word "horologium," which means "clock." In the 16th century, the term was adopted by Dutch scholars who were interested in the study of time and mechanical devices. They introduced the term "horologia" into the Latin dialect spoken in the Netherlands, which gradually evolved into "horology" in English. The modern meaning of the word "horology" encompasses not just the design and development of timepieces but also the broader concept of time measurement and its practical applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy.

type danh từ
meaningthuật đo thời khắc
meaningthuật làm đồng hồ

the study and measurement of time

nghiên cứu và đo lường thời gian

the art of making clocks and watches

nghệ thuật làm đồng hồ và đồng hồ đeo tay