Definition of hoot


Cá cò


The origin of the word "hoot" can be traced back to the Middle English era, around the 14th century. During this time, the term "huten" was used to describe the spontaneous and loud laugh or shout of excitement. Despite its similarity to the modern-day meaning of "hoot," the original use of "huten" was entirely different from the current association with owls. As English gradually evolved, the word "huten" underwent various changes. Its pronunciation became more challenging to articulate, morphing into "hott" and eventually into "hoot" around the 16th century. The new expression carried with it the same connotation of raucous laughter, but it also gradually came to be associated with the distinctive call of certain owl species. One explanation for this association is that the hooting sound made by owls can resemble the early forms of "hoot" that were pronounced during the late Middle English period. The short, drawn-out call, featuring a distinct "hoot-hoot-hoot" rhythm, may have inadvertently contributed to the phrase's association with the majestic birds of the night. Regardless of its origin, "hoot" is widely recognized as both a noun and a verb in contemporary English. As a noun, it typically refers to the sound that owls make, while as a verb, it often describes the act of laughing or shouting forcefully. Although the underlying meaning has shifted drastically over time, the word's enduring popularity remains a testament to its rich and intriguing history.


to make a loud noise

gây ra tiếng động lớn

  • He had the audience hooting with laughter.

    Anh ấy đã khiến khán giả phải cười vang.

  • Some people hooted in disgust.

    Một số người hét lên một cách ghê tởm.

  • The crowd hooted and cheered.

    Đám đông reo hò và cổ vũ.

  • His friends all hooted with laughter.

    Bạn bè của anh đều cười vang.

if a car horn hoots or you hoot or hoot the horn, the horn makes a loud noise

nếu có tiếng còi ô tô hoặc bạn bấm còi hoặc bấm còi, còi sẽ phát ra tiếng động lớn

  • The car behind me hooted impatiently.

    Chiếc xe phía sau hú còi một cách thiếu kiên nhẫn.

  • Why did he hoot at me?

    Tại sao anh ấy lại mắng tôi?

  • Passing motorists hooted their horns.

    Những người lái xe đi ngang qua bấm còi.

  • The train hooted a warning (= the driver sounded the horn to warn people).

    Tàu đã hú còi cảnh báo (= người lái xe bấm còi để cảnh báo mọi người).

Related words and phrases

when an owl hoots, it makes a long calling sound

khi cú kêu, nó kêu một tiếng dài

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