Definition of hooked


bị móc


The word "hooked" has an interesting history. Originally, it comes from Old English and Middle English, where it was recorded as "hōk" or "hutch", meaning "cow-horn" or "curved shape". Over time, the meaning of "hooked" expanded to describe being caught or ensnared, as if one was caught in a hook or a trap. In the 15th century, the word "hooked" gained a new meaning, describing a physical congruence between two things, like a hook fitting into a loop. This sense of attachment or connection is still seen in modern English, as in "hooked on a particular activity" or "hooked into a network". Interestingly, the term "hooked on" to describe addiction or intense interest arose in the mid-19th century, likely due to the imagery of being ensnared by a hook. Today, "hooked" is commonly used to describe being deeply engaged or enthralled by something, whether it's a activity, a person, or an idea.


curved; like a hook in shape

cong; có hình dạng giống như cái móc

  • a hooked nose/beak/finger

    mũi/mỏ/ngón tay khoằm

needing something that is bad for you, especially a drug

cần thứ gì đó có hại cho bạn, đặc biệt là thuốc

  • People who are truly hooked will go to any lengths to satisfy their craving for the drug.

    Những người thực sự bị cuốn hút sẽ tìm mọi cách để thỏa mãn cơn thèm ma túy.

  • She's completely hooked on TV.

    Cô ấy hoàn toàn bị cuốn hút vào TV.

enjoying something very much, so that you want to do it, see it, etc. as much as possible

rất thích một cái gì đó, đến nỗi bạn muốn làm nó, muốn xem nó, v.v. nhiều nhất có thể

  • I first got hooked on scuba diving when I was twelve.

    Lần đầu tiên tôi đam mê lặn biển là khi tôi mười hai tuổi.

  • a master storyteller who knows how to keep his readers hooked

    một người kể chuyện bậc thầy biết cách giữ chân độc giả của mình

having one or more hooks

có một hoặc nhiều móc

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