Definition of higher education

higher educationnoun

(giáo dục) đại học

/ˌhʌɪə ɛdjuːˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/

Definition of undefined

The term "higher education" originated in the 19th century, evolving from the concept of "advanced education." It reflected the shift from basic literacy training to more specialized and rigorous study. The phrase gained prominence with the rise of universities and the need to distinguish them from secondary schools. The "higher" in the term signified the advanced nature of the knowledge and skills acquired, emphasizing a level of education exceeding the basic requirements of society.


education at universities or similar educational establishments, especially to degree level.

giáo dục tại các trường đại học hoặc các cơ sở giáo dục tương tự, đặc biệt là trình độ.