Definition of hideously


ghê tởm


The word "hideously" has its roots in the 16th century. It's an adverb that means extremely bad or unpleasant in appearance or nature. The word is derived from the Old English words "híde" (to conceal) and "-ous" (relating to or characterized by). In the 16th century, "hideous" (as a noun) referred to something that was ugly or monstrous. Over time, the adjective "hideous" developed a sense of extreme ugliness or unpleasantness. The adverb "hideously", which means in a hideous manner, was born. By the late 17th century, "hideously" was used to describe something as extremely unpleasant, disgusting, or repulsive. Today, "hideously" is commonly used to express strong negative emotions or reactions, such as horror, disgust, or revulsion.

  • The monster in the horror movie had hideously misshapen features.

    Con quái vật trong phim kinh dị có những đường nét biến dạng khủng khiếp.

  • The car accident left the victim with hideously gruesome injuries.

    Vụ tai nạn xe hơi đã để lại cho nạn nhân những vết thương vô cùng khủng khiếp.

  • The merest hint of decay made the food appear hideously repulsive.

    Chỉ cần một dấu hiệu hư hỏng nhỏ cũng khiến cho thức ăn trở nên vô cùng kinh tởm.

  • The burn scars on her face were hideously disfiguring.

    Những vết sẹo bỏng trên khuôn mặt cô ấy trông vô cùng kinh khủng.

  • The dark alleyway seemed hideously ominous in the dim light.

    Con hẻm tối tăm trông thật đáng sợ trong ánh sáng mờ ảo.

  • The forensic evidence was hideously incriminating.

    Bằng chứng pháp y có tính buộc tội khủng khiếp.

  • The corpse's face was hideously contorted in a mask of terror.

    Khuôn mặt của xác chết bị biến dạng khủng khiếp trong chiếc mặt nạ kinh hoàng.

  • The chemical spill sprayed hideously corrosive fumes into the air.

    Sự cố tràn hóa chất đã phun ra những luồng khói ăn mòn khủng khiếp vào không khí.

  • The winter frost coated the trees in hideously frozen tendrils.

    Sương giá mùa đông phủ lên cây những tua cuốn đóng băng khủng khiếp.

  • The bully's glare was hideously intimidating.

    Ánh mắt của kẻ bắt nạt thật đáng sợ.