Definition of herbage




The word "herbage" originated in the Middle English period, around the 1300s. It was derived from the Old French term "herbeige" which meant "herbage" or "vegetation." The Old French term, in turn, was derived from the Latin word "herba" which meant "grass" or "green plant." The Latin word, in turn, was derived from the Indo-European root "erbh-" which meant "grassy" or "growing green." In its earliest usage, "herbage" referred to the edible parts of plants, including leaves, stems, and young shoots, which are eaten by herbivores or used for human consumption. Over time, the meaning of the term broadened to encompass all types of vegetation, both cultivated and wild, and is now commonly used in agriculture, ecology, and environmental science. In the modern English language, the word "herbage" is often used to refer to plants that are grown as food, fodder, or ornamental foliage, as well as to describe the vegetation in natural and agricultural ecosystems. It is also used by landscape architects and gardeners to describe the type of vegetation in a specific area or to differentiate between different types of vegetation for aesthetic purposes.

  • The cows were happily munching on the lush green herbage in the pasture.

    Những chú bò đang vui vẻ nhai những thảm cỏ xanh tươi trên đồng cỏ.

  • The farmer sprayed pesticides on the herbage to protect it from pests.

    Người nông dân phun thuốc trừ sâu vào thảm cỏ để bảo vệ chúng khỏi sâu bệnh.

  • The gardener carefully pruned the herbage around the base of the trees to promote their growth.

    Người làm vườn cẩn thận cắt tỉa thảm thực vật xung quanh gốc cây để thúc đẩy chúng phát triển.

  • The hikers admired the waving sea of herbage in the meadow.

    Những người đi bộ đường dài chiêm ngưỡng biển cỏ xanh nhấp nhô trên đồng cỏ.

  • The botanist identified the different species of herbage growing in the field.

    Nhà thực vật học đã xác định được các loài cỏ khác nhau đang mọc trên cánh đồng.

  • The ravaged landscape was covered in unwanted herbage, which made it difficult to see clearly.

    Cảnh quan bị tàn phá được bao phủ bởi thảm thực vật không mong muốn, khiến cho việc quan sát trở nên khó khăn.

  • The evening light cast a golden hue across the herbage in the field.

    Ánh sáng buổi tối chiếu rọi một màu vàng rực rỡ lên thảm cỏ trên cánh đồng.

  • The swamp was filled with dense herbage, making it challenging for the hikers to move forward.

    Đầm lầy đầy cỏ dại rậm rạp, khiến người đi bộ đường dài gặp khó khăn khi di chuyển về phía trước.

  • The wildflowers integrated seamlessly with the herbage in the environment, creating a picturesque beauty.

    Những bông hoa dại hòa quyện một cách liền mạch với thảm thực vật xung quanh, tạo nên vẻ đẹp như tranh vẽ.

  • The forest floor was carpeted in herbage, which made it easy to traverse without tripping.

    Sàn rừng được trải thảm cỏ, giúp cho việc đi qua dễ dàng mà không bị vấp ngã.