Definition of heave


nhấc lên


The word "heave" has a complex linguistic history, and its origins can be traced back to Old English and Anglo-Saxon times. In its earliest uses, "heave" referred to the act of breathing or inhaling, often in the context of action or effort. This is evident in Old English words like "hhāfian," which means "to take breath" or "breathe," and "heaffan," which means "to place a load by breathing." Over time, the semantic range of "heave" expanded to include other senses related to movement, particularly those involving a forcing or lifting motion. This development is evidenced in Middle English words like "hiven" and "hivenkene," which mean "to lift something heavy" and "machine for lifting water," respectively. In its modern senses, the word "heave" is commonly used to describe actions related to moving or uncovering something, particularly when the movement involves a significant force or exertion. For example, "heave cargo over the side of the ship" or "heave a boulder out of the ground" both connote a powerful, exertive force. In sum, the origins of "heave" can be traced back to Old English and Anglo-Saxon times, where the word was primarily used to refer to breathing or inhaling. Over time, its semantic range expanded to include a variety of meanings related to movement and force, making it a versatile and multifaceted word in the English language.


to lift, pull or throw somebody/something very heavy with one great effort

nâng, kéo hoặc ném ai/cái gì rất nặng bằng một nỗ lực lớn

  • I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.

    Tôi đã cố gắng đẩy được cái rương xuống cầu thang.

  • They heaved the body overboard.

    Họ kéo thi thể xuống biển.

  • He heaved himself out of his armchair.

    Anh nhấc mình ra khỏi chiếc ghế bành.

  • We all heaved on the rope.

    Tất cả chúng tôi đều đu dây.

  • Heave away lads!

    Hãy cút đi các chàng trai!

Extra examples:
  • He heaved the bag up into the truck.

    Anh ta đẩy chiếc túi lên xe tải.

  • I gripped his arm and heaved him to his feet.

    Tôi nắm lấy cánh tay anh ấy và kéo anh ấy đứng dậy.

  • We managed to heave his great bulk onto the bed.

    Chúng tôi đã cố gắng nâng được khối lượng lớn của anh ấy lên giường.

  • I tried to heave myself up onto my knees.

    Tôi cố gắng nhấc mình đứng dậy trên đầu gối.

  • Sam heaved at the garage door.

    Sam huých nhẹ vào cửa gara.

to rise up and down with strong, regular movements

lên xuống với những chuyển động mạnh mẽ, đều đặn

  • The boat heaved beneath them.

    Con thuyền nhấp nhô bên dưới họ.

  • Her shoulders heaved with laughter.

    Đôi vai cô ấy rung lên vì cười.

to make a sound slowly and often with effort

tạo ra âm thanh chậm rãi và thường xuyên với nỗ lực

  • We all heaved a sigh of relief.

    Tất cả chúng tôi đều thở phào nhẹ nhõm.

  • She heaved a long sigh.

    Cô thở dài một tiếng.

to experience the tight feeling in your stomach that you get before you vomit

trải nghiệm cảm giác căng cứng trong dạ dày trước khi nôn

  • The thought of it makes me heave.

    Ý nghĩ về nó làm tôi nặng trĩu.

  • His stomach heaved.

    Bụng anh quặn lên.

Related words and phrases


heave into sight/view
(formal)to appear, especially when moving gradually closer from a long way off
  • A ship hove into sight.
  • Like a galleon in full sail, Cara hove into view.