Definition of hallowed


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The word "hallowed" originates from the Old English word "heallod," which means "made sacred" or "consecrated." This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*hailidiz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "hail." In Old English, the word "heallod" was used to describe a place that was considered to be sacred or holy, such as a church or a temple. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include a sense of reverence or veneration for something or someone. In modern English, the word "hallowed" is often used to describe something that is considered to be sacred or revered, such as a hallowed ground or a hallowed institution. It can also be used to describe something that is considered to be noble or noble-minded, such as a hallowed tradition.


respected and important

được tôn trọng và quan trọng

  • one of the theatre’s most hallowed traditions

    một trong những truyền thống thiêng liêng nhất của nhà hát

  • He stood on the hallowed ground of Yankee Stadium.

    Anh ấy đứng trên mặt đất thiêng liêng của sân vận động Yankee.

Related words and phrases

that has been made holy

điều đó đã được thánh hóa

  • to be buried in hallowed ground

    được chôn cất ở vùng đất thiêng liêng

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