Definition of halfway


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The word "halfway" is a combination of the words "half" and "way." The first part, "half," comes from Old English "hálf," meaning "half." The second part, "way," comes from Old English "weg," meaning "way, path, road." The word "halfway" has been used in English since at least the 14th century, and its meaning has remained consistent, referring to a point or position that is equidistant from two ends.


at an equal distance between two points; in the middle of a period of time

ở khoảng cách bằng nhau giữa hai điểm; ở giữa một khoảng thời gian

  • I got the ball on the halfway line.

    Tôi nhận được bóng ở giữa đường.

part of the way towards doing or achieving something

một phần của con đường hướng tới việc làm hoặc đạt được một cái gì đó

  • the halfway point/stage

    nửa điểm/giai đoạn