Definition of groom


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The origin of the word "groom" dates back to the Anglo-Saxon times in England. At that time, the term "groom" referred to a young man who served as a horseman or stable hand in a wealthy household. The Old English word for groom was "gruma," which was derived from the word "gruman," meaning "shavened one." This name was given to the young men who worked in the stable because they would shave the stable horses' manes and tails to make them look more attractive during horse shows and parades. The responsibility of a groom included taking care of the horses' health, training them, and preparing them for their owners' use. As time passed, the word "groom" took on more specific roles in communities where horse breeding and horse shows became popular, with the groom becoming a wedding specialist who helps a man get ready for his wedding day. Today, the definition of "groom" has evolved to include both horse man and wedding specialist roles. Horse grooms are still a critical piece of the horse community, while wedding grooms continue to play important roles in the wedding industry as their primary duty is to prepare the groom for his marriage day. Overall, the evolution of the word "groom" from its Old English origins to its modern-day instance underscores how languages and their meanings have expanded and adapted over time, and continues to evolve for centuries to come.


to clean or brush an animal

để làm sạch hoặc chải một con vật

  • to groom a horse/dog/cat

    chải lông cho ngựa/chó/mèo

  • The horses are all well fed and groomed.

    Những con ngựa đều được cho ăn đầy đủ và chải chuốt.

to clean the fur or skin of another animal or itself

làm sạch lông hoặc da của động vật khác hoặc của chính nó

  • a female ape grooming her mate

    một con vượn cái đang chải chuốt cho bạn tình của mình

to prepare or train somebody for an important job or position

chuẩn bị hoặc đào tạo ai đó cho một công việc hoặc vị trí quan trọng

  • Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles.

    Những nhân viên cấp dưới của chúng tôi đang được chuẩn bị cho những vai trò cấp cao hơn.

  • The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies.

    Người con trai cả đang được chuẩn bị để kế nhiệm khi cha anh qua đời.

to prepare a child for a meeting, especially using social media, with the intention of performing an illegal sexual act

chuẩn bị cho trẻ gặp mặt, đặc biệt là sử dụng mạng xã hội, với ý định thực hiện hành vi tình dục trái pháp luật

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