Definition of grinder


máy xay


The term "grinder" originated in the early 1900s as a slang term for a petty criminal involved in urban gang cultures. In the context of organized crime, it described a person who carried out menial tasks for the gang, such as running errands or stealing small items. The use of "grinder" to describe a coffee grinder, as commonly seen in specialty coffee shops today, arose during the mid-20th century. The origin of this usage is less clear, but it may have been a playful adaptation of the original criminal slang. Coffee enthusiasts began to refer to the machines that ground coffee beans as "grinders," perhaps in reference to the repetitive, even tedious nature of the task. Another theory suggests the term is a nod to the sound that grinders make as they do their work, which can resemble the sound of something being ground or crushed. Regardless of its exact origins, the term "grinder" has evolved over time to encompass a range of machines used to grind various materials, from coffee beans to cereals to pharmaceuticals. Its versatility and adaptability have contributed to its lasting popularity in both criminal and culinary circles.


a machine or tool for grinding a solid substance into a powder

một máy hoặc công cụ để nghiền một chất rắn thành bột

  • a coffee grinder

    một máy xay cà phê

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