Definition of given


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The word "given" has its origin in the Old English language, specifically in the words "gyfen" and "gyfenan," which mean "to give" and "to grant," respectively. These words evolved over time and appeared as "gefan" and "gefanian" in Middle English during the 12th century. The spelling of the word shifted as the language evolved, and by the 16th century, "given" appeared in its current form. The word "given" is a past participle of the verb "give," and it means "present" or "imparted" in the context of the English language. The Latin word "datum," which refers to something that has been given, has also influenced the meaning of "given." The word "given" can be used as an adjective when it signifies something that is granted, or it can be used as a past participle to describe a circumstance or statement that is known or true. In summary, the origin of the word "given" can be traced back to the Old English roots "gyfen" and "gyfenan," which mean "to give" and "to grant," respectively. The word has since evolved and taken on multiple meanings in the English language.


already arranged

đã bố trí

  • They were to meet at a given time and place.

    Họ phải gặp nhau vào một thời gian và địa điểm nhất định.

that you have stated and are discussing; particular

mà bạn đã nêu và đang thảo luận; cụ thể

  • We can find out how much money is spent on food in any given period.

    Chúng ta có thể biết được số tiền được chi cho thực phẩm trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định.


be given to something/to doing something
(formal)to do something often or regularly
  • She’s much given to outbursts of temper.
  • He's given to going for long walks on his own.