Definition of fraud


gian lận


The word "fraud" originated from the Middle English "froden," which meant "treachery" or "deceit." This word, in turn, was derived from the Old French "frode," which had similar meanings. The root of this Old French word can be traced back to the Latin "fraus," which meant "deception" or "trickery." The Latin term, in turn, was derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "preyw," which meant "to mislead" or "to deceive." This family of words has a long history, as the concept of deceit and betrayal has been a part of human society for thousands of years. In ancient times, the word "fraud" was used to describe everything from political corruption and dishonesty in business transactions to personal betrayals and acts of deceit. Over time, the meaning of the word "fraud" has become more specific, primarily referring to intentional, discrete acts of deception that result in financial or other legal harm to others. However, the increased use of the word in contemporary discourse, particularly in relation to financial and corporate scandals, has led some to question whether the definition of "fraud" has become overly broad and ambiguous. Nonetheless, the word "fraud" remains a powerful and evocative term that continues to be used in a variety of contexts to describe acts of intentional wrongdoing.


the crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally

tội lừa gạt ai đó để lấy tiền hoặc hàng hóa một cách bất hợp pháp

  • She was charged with credit card fraud.

    Cô bị buộc tội gian lận thẻ tín dụng.

  • It was said that the property had been obtained by fraud.

    Người ta cho rằng tài sản này có được là do lừa đảo.

  • He helped prevent a $100 million fraud.

    Anh ấy đã giúp ngăn chặn một vụ lừa đảo trị giá 100 triệu USD.

Related words and phrases

a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people

một người giả vờ có những phẩm chất, khả năng, v.v. mà họ thực sự không có để lừa dối người khác

  • He's nothing but a liar and a fraud.

    Anh ta chẳng là gì ngoài một kẻ dối trá và lừa đảo.

  • She felt a fraud accepting their sympathy (= because she was not really sad).

    Cô ấy cảm thấy có sự lừa dối khi chấp nhận sự cảm thông của họ (= vì cô ấy không thực sự buồn).

something that is not as good, useful, etc. as people claim it is

cái gì đó không tốt, hữu ích, v.v. như mọi người tuyên bố