Definition of foulness


phạm lỗi


"Foulness" originates from the Old English word "fūl," meaning "dirty" or "filthy." This word itself stemmed from the Proto-Germanic "fūlaz," with the same meaning. The concept of "foul" has evolved over time, expanding to include negative qualities beyond just physical dirtiness. It now encompasses moral corruption, bad smells, unpleasant tastes, and even things considered unlucky or undesirable. While the physical sense of "foulness" is still present, the word's broader usage reflects its long history and the evolving human understanding of what is considered unpleasant or undesirable.


the fact of being very unpleasant or rude; something that is very unpleasant or rude

thực tế là rất khó chịu hoặc thô lỗ; cái gì đó rất khó chịu hoặc thô lỗ

  • The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness.

    Không khí nặng nề mùi ẩm ướt và hôi hám.

the fact of being very evil or cruel

thực tế là rất xấu xa hoặc độc ác