Definition of forgetful


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"Forgetful" comes from the Old English word "forgietan," meaning "to forget." This word itself is a combination of the prefix "for-" (meaning "completely" or "away") and the root "gietan," meaning "to get" or "to obtain." Therefore, "forgetful" literally means "completely deprived of something," reflecting the act of losing something from one's memory. The "ful" suffix was added later to indicate a state or condition, making "forgetful" describe a person prone to forgetting.


often forgetting things

thường quên đồ

  • She has become very forgetful in recent years.

    Cô ấy đã trở nên rất hay quên trong những năm gần đây.

Related words and phrases

not thinking about somebody/something that you should be thinking about

không nghĩ về ai/điều gì đó mà bạn nên nghĩ tới

  • He was soon forgetful of all dangers.

    Anh sớm quên đi mọi nguy hiểm.