Definition of fodder


Phương pháp


The origin of the word "fodder" can be traced back to the Old English language, where it was spelled "foðor" and meant "food for animals." This word is a compound, made up of the Old English words "fōt," which means "feed," and "horu," which means "beasts." The term was used in a more specific way in agriculture, where "fodder" was used to describe crops that were grown primarily for animal consumption, such as hay or silage. In this context, the term started to be spelled "fodder" in Middle English, around the 14th century. The original meaning of the term, "food for animals," has remained the same, despite some fluctuation in the spelling and pronunciation of the word over time. Today, "fodder" is used to describe a variety of food sources for domesticated animals, including hay, silage, and feed concentrates. In a broader sense, the term "fodder" can also be used to refer to anything that is plentiful, but of low or little value, similar to the way the term is used today. However, this usage is less common than the agricultural definition of the word.


food for horses and farm animals

thức ăn cho ngựa và động vật trang trại

people or things that are considered to have only one use

người hoặc vật được coi là chỉ có một công dụng

  • Without education, these children will end up as factory fodder (= only able to work in a factory).

    Nếu không được giáo dục, những đứa trẻ này sẽ trở thành thức ăn gia súc trong nhà máy (= chỉ có thể làm việc trong nhà máy).

  • This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.

    Câu chuyện này sẽ là nguồn thức ăn cho những người viết chuyên mục tin đồn.

  • He regarded lists of rules, regulations and procedures as dustbin fodder (= only fit to be thrown away).

    Ông coi danh sách các quy tắc, quy định và thủ tục như thức ăn gia súc trong thùng rác (= chỉ phù hợp để vứt đi).

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