Definition of foam




The word "foam" has its origin in the Old English word "fām," which meant "boiling" or "seething." It referred to the frothy and bubbly substance that formed on the surface of liquids like milk, ale, or wine. The Old English word "fām" shares its roots with the Old Norse word "fōm," which meant "surface" or "skin." This association suggests that the term "foam" originally referred to the skin or surface of a liquid, which would curl up and bubble over when heated or agitated. The meaning of the word "foam" evolved over time as it was adopted into other languages. In Old French, "foame" meant "spume" or "froth," and in Middle English, "foomen" referred to "foamy" or "frothy" substances. By the 16th century, "foam" had acquired its modern meaning, referring specifically to the air-filled bubbles that form on the surface of liquids when they are agitated or disturbed. Today, the word "foam" is used to describe a wide variety of substances, from the whipped cream on a latte to the bubbles in a bath tub. In summary, the origin of the word "foam" can be traced back to its Old English roots, where it referred to the bubbly and frothy surface of liquids. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved as it was adopted into other languages, until it came to refer specifically to the air-filled bubbles that form on the surface of liquids.


a soft light rubber material, full of small holes, that is used for seats, mattresses, etc.

một chất liệu cao su mềm nhẹ, có nhiều lỗ nhỏ, dùng làm ghế, nệm, v.v.

  • a foam mattress

    một tấm nệm xốp

  • foam packaging

    bao bì xốp

Related words and phrases

a mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid

một khối bọt khí rất nhỏ trên bề mặt chất lỏng

  • a glass of beer with a good head of foam

    một ly bia có bọt đầu tốt

  • The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam.

    Sóng vỗ khiến bãi biển phủ đầy bọt.

Related words and phrases

a chemical substance that forms or produces a soft mass of very small bubbles, used for washing, shaving (= cutting hair from the skin), or putting out fires, for example

một chất hóa học hình thành hoặc tạo ra một khối mềm gồm các bong bóng rất nhỏ, được sử dụng để rửa, cạo râu (= cắt tóc khỏi da), hoặc dập lửa chẳng hạn

  • a bottle of bath foam

    một chai bọt tắm

  • The fire extinguisher directs foam onto the fire.

    Bình chữa cháy phun bọt vào đám cháy.

Related words and phrases