Definition of flatcar


xe phẳng


The origin of the word "flatcar" can be traced back to the early 19th century when railroads began to become popular. A flatcar, in its simplest form, is a type of railway car that has no sides, ends, or roof. The term "flatcar" is derived from the car's flat surface, which allows for easy transportation of heavy and oversized cargo. The term "car" is commonly used as a general term for any type of railway vehicle, while the term "flat" refers to the absence of any sides, ends, or roof. In the early days of railroading, flatcars played a significant role in transporting goods, particularly lumber, coal, and iron. As the industry grew, flatcars became increasingly important for both freight and passenger transport. The first appearance of the word "flatcar" is recorded in a book called "The Railway alike in science and practice; being a systematic summary of the principles of railway construction, machinery, and economy" published in 1834 by Edward Bury and David Luckett. As technology advanced, flatcars were equipped with brakes and other safety features, making them more versatile and efficient. Today, flatcars are still a critical part of the railway industry, and they continue to facilitate the transportation of many types of cargo, from steel coils to wind turbines. In summary, the origin of the word "flatcar" can be traced to the flat surface of the railway car, which allowed for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo in the early days of railroads. Its significance has only grown over the years, making it an essential part of the modern railway landscape.

  • The train carrying the construction equipment arrived at the building site on a flatcar.

    Đoàn tàu chở thiết bị xây dựng đã đến công trường bằng toa tàu phẳng.

  • The flatcar transported the heavy machinery through the countryside with ease.

    Xe ngựa chở máy móc hạng nặng qua vùng nông thôn một cách dễ dàng.

  • As the flatcar passed through the small town, a group of curious children waved enthusiastically at the workers on board.

    Khi chiếc xe ngựa đi qua thị trấn nhỏ, một nhóm trẻ em tò mò đã nhiệt tình vẫy tay chào những người công nhân trên xe.

  • The flatcar bounded along the tracks, its cargo securely fastened for the journey.

    Chiếc xe ngựa chạy dọc theo đường ray, hàng hóa được buộc chặt chắc chắn cho chuyến đi.

  • The farmer eagerly awaited the arrival of the flatcar delivering the new tractors to his land.

    Người nông dân háo hức chờ đợi xe chở máy kéo mới đến ruộng của mình.

  • The flatcar parked alongside the manufacturing plant, ready to offload its cargo for use in the factory.

    Chiếc xe chở hàng đỗ bên cạnh nhà máy sản xuất, sẵn sàng dỡ hàng để sử dụng trong nhà máy.

  • The flatcar was loaded with barrels of oil, bound for the refinery on the outskirts of town.

    Chiếc xe ngựa chở đầy những thùng dầu, hướng đến nhà máy lọc dầu ở ngoại ô thị trấn.

  • The flatcar rumbled past the sprawling city skyline, its cargo set to be transported to numerous destinations across the city.

    Chiếc xe ngựa ầm ầm chạy qua đường chân trời rộng lớn của thành phố, hàng hóa trên xe được chuẩn bị vận chuyển đến nhiều địa điểm khác nhau trên khắp thành phố.

  • The flatcar was detached from the train and towed through a narrow tunnel, its load carefully balanced to prevent damage.

    Toa tàu được tách khỏi tàu và kéo qua một đường hầm hẹp, tải trọng của toa tàu được cân bằng cẩn thận để tránh hư hỏng.

  • The flatcar slowly rolled into the repair depot for routine checking before embarking on its next journey.

    Chiếc xe ngựa chậm rãi lăn bánh vào kho sửa chữa để kiểm tra thường lệ trước khi bắt đầu hành trình tiếp theo.