Definition of enthuse


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The word "enthuse" originates from the Greek words "en" (in) and "theos" (god). In the 17th century, the term "enthusiasm" was coined to describe religious fervor or ecstatic devotion, implying that something divine or godly was inspiring the emotions. Over time, the adjective "enthusiastic" emerged, referring to someone who is fervent or zealous. In the 19th century, the verb "to enthuse" emerged, derived from the noun "enthusiasm." The word originally meant to inspire or inflame with enthusiasm, and later came to mean to excite or elate someone, often in a creative or artistic context. Today, "to enthuse" is often used to describe the act of inspiring or energizing someone's passion, interest, or creativity.


to talk in an enthusiastic and excited way about something

nói một cách nhiệt tình và phấn khích về điều gì đó

  • The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring.

    Bài viết ca ngợi những lợi ích mà hệ thống mới sẽ mang lại.

  • ‘It's a wonderful idea,’ he enthused.

    "Đó là một ý tưởng tuyệt vời", ông nhiệt tình nói.

  • The organizers enthused that it was their most successful event yet.

    Ban tổ chức vui mừng cho rằng đây là sự kiện thành công nhất của họ.

to make somebody feel very interested and excited

làm cho ai đó cảm thấy rất hứng thú và phấn khích

  • Everyone present was enthused by the idea.

    Mọi người có mặt đều hào hứng với ý tưởng này.

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