Definition of blinker


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The word "blinker" originates from the verb "to blink," which itself comes from the Old English word "blincan," meaning "to shine" or "to sparkle." The association of "blink" with rapid opening and closing of the eyes likely emerged later, leading to the use of "blinker" to describe objects that rapidly flash or signal, such as turn signals on vehicles. This connection with rapid, intermittent light is what makes the term relevant for modern uses like the "blinker" on a computer cursor.


a light on a vehicle that flashes to show that the vehicle is going to turn left or right

đèn trên xe nhấp nháy để báo hiệu xe sắp rẽ trái hoặc phải

pieces of leather that are placed at the side of a horse’s eyes to stop it from looking to the side

những miếng da được đặt ở một bên mắt ngựa để ngăn nó nhìn sang một bên

  • We need to have a fresh look at the plan, without blinkers (= we need to consider every aspect of it).

    Chúng ta cần có một cái nhìn mới mẻ về kế hoạch, không chớp mắt (= chúng ta cần xem xét mọi khía cạnh của nó).

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