Definition of embarrassingly


xấu hổ


"Embarrassingly" comes from the French word "embarrasser," meaning "to hinder" or "to entangle." This word entered English in the 16th century, initially referring to physical obstacles or impediments. Over time, it evolved to include metaphorical entanglements, like social awkwardness or awkward situations. The -ing suffix, indicating a continuous action, adds to the sense of being caught in an uncomfortable or awkward situation. Thus, "embarrassingly" describes something that causes embarrassment or awkwardness.


in a way that makes you feel shy, uncomfortable or ashamed

theo cách khiến bạn cảm thấy ngại ngùng, khó chịu hoặc xấu hổ

  • Embarrassingly, I'd never heard of Rihanna.

    Xấu hổ thay, tôi chưa bao giờ nghe nói đến Rihanna.

in a way that makes somebody/something look bad, stupid, dishonest, etc.

theo cách khiến ai đó/cái gì đó trông tệ hại, ngu ngốc, không trung thực, v.v.

  • The play was embarrassingly bad.

    Vở kịch tệ đến mức đáng xấu hổ.