Definition of ecstatic


ngây ngất


The word "ecstatic" comes from the Greek word "ekstasis," which means "standing outside oneself." In ancient Greek philosophy and religion, ecstasy referred to a state of spiritual and emotional transcendence in which an individual experienced a direct connection with the divine or supernatural realm. This concept of ecstasy was associated with various religious and mystical practices, such as shamanism, prophecy, and worship of the gods. In medieval Christianity, ecstasy was sometimes used to describe certain visions and experiences of holy figures, such as St. Theresa of Avila, who reported feeling an overwhelming sense of divine presence. In modern English, the meaning of ecstasy has broadened to encompass any intense and overwhelming feeling, whether it be joy, elation, or anything in between. However, the root meaning of standing outside oneself still persists, as ecstasy is often described as a state of heightened awareness in which one feels disconnected from ordinary reality.


very happy, excited and enthusiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm

rất vui vẻ, phấn khởi và nhiệt tình; cảm giác hoặc thể hiện sự nhiệt tình tuyệt vời

  • Sally was ecstatic about her new job.

    Sally vui mừng về công việc mới của mình.

  • ecstatic applause/praise/reviews

    tiếng vỗ tay/khen ngợi/đánh giá nồng nhiệt

  • He gave an ecstatic sigh of happiness.

    Anh thở ra một hơi đầy hạnh phúc.

Extra examples:
  • Martin was not exactly ecstatic at the news.

    Martin thực sự không vui mừng trước tin này.

  • their brief but ecstatic honeymoon

    tuần trăng mật ngắn ngủi nhưng ngây ngất của họ

Related words and phrases

involving feelings of great emotion, especially through prayer and meditation, that take somebody beyond the limits of the individual self

liên quan đến cảm giác xúc động mạnh mẽ, đặc biệt là thông qua cầu nguyện và thiền định, đưa ai đó vượt qua giới hạn của bản thân cá nhân

  • an ecstatic vision of God

    một tầm nhìn ngây ngất của Thiên Chúa