Definition of dungarees




The origin of the word "dungarees" to describe a type of durable fabric pants can be traced back to the late 1800s in India. British soldiers stationed in the region noticed that poor farmers in the town of Dhangar, in the state of Maharashtra, wore a distinctive type of pants made from sturdy and affordable cloth. The pants were designed to be functional and durable, with features like button closures and leg pockets that made them perfect for farm work. The British soldiers noticed the practicality of these pants and began to purchase similar clothes from local markets. They began to refer to the pants they purchased as "dungarees," using the name of the city where they were originally produced. When these pants became popular with factory workers and dockhands in the UK, the name followed them, and soon "dungarees" became a common term for this type of pants. The word "dungaree" may also be derived from the Hindi word "dungī," which means a temporary shelter made of grass or straw. This theory suggests that the close weave and durability of the fabric used to make dungarees made them suitable for use as makeshift shelters, earning the pants their name. Whatever the exact origins of the word "dungarees," it's clear that it has an interesting and multifaceted history, reflecting the global trade and cultural exchange that has taken place over the centuries. Today, "dungarees" has become a widely used term for comfortable and functional pants that come in various styles and designs, from classic denim to sleek and modern fabrics.


a piece of clothing that consists of trousers with an extra piece of cloth covering the chest, held up by long narrow pieces of cloth over the shoulders

một bộ quần áo bao gồm quần dài có thêm một mảnh vải che ngực, được giữ bằng những mảnh vải dài hẹp qua vai

  • a pair of dungarees

    một cặp dungarees

  • His dungarees were covered in grease.

    Quần yếm của anh ta dính đầy dầu mỡ.

heavy cotton trousers for working in

quần cotton dày để đi làm

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