Definition of drunk


say rượu


Definition of undefined

The word "drunk" has roots in Old English, stemming from the word "druncen," which meant "intoxicated" or "drunken." This term itself derived from the Proto-Germanic word "drunkan," meaning "to be intoxicated." The concept of being "drunk" has existed for centuries, as alcohol consumption has been a part of human culture for a long time. The word's evolution reflects the enduring presence of this practice and its impact on language.


having drunk so much alcohol that it is impossible to think or speak clearly

uống nhiều rượu đến mức không thể suy nghĩ hay nói rõ ràng

  • They were clearly too drunk to drive.

    Họ rõ ràng đã quá say để lái xe.

  • His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk.

    Cách duy nhất để giải quyết vấn đề của anh ấy là ra ngoài và say khướt.

  • They got drunk on vodka.

    Họ say rượu vodka.

Extra examples:
  • He was still half drunk.

    Anh vẫn còn say một nửa.

  • I was beginning to feel very drunk.

    Tôi bắt đầu cảm thấy say khướt.

  • The wine had made her drunk.

    Rượu đã làm cô say.

  • By now I was pretty drunk on the free beer.

    Lúc này tôi đã khá say vì bia miễn phí.

  • The room was full of drunk people.

    Căn phòng đầy những người say rượu.

Related words and phrases

very excited, tired, etc. because of a particular emotion or situation

rất phấn khích, mệt mỏi, v.v. vì một cảm xúc hoặc tình huống cụ thể

  • drunk with success

    say rượu thành công

  • She was almost drunk with all these new impressions.

    Cô gần như say khướt với tất cả những ấn tượng mới này.

  • drunk with fatigue

    say rượu mệt mỏi

Related words and phrases


blind drunk
extremely drunk
  • He came home blind drunk.
  • drunk and disorderly
    behaving in a noisy or violent way in a public place because you are drunk
  • Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly.
  • (as) drunk as a lord
    (informal)very drunk
    roaring drunk
    extremely drunk and noisy
  • He rolled home roaring drunk at 3 o’clock in the morning.