Definition of disorderly


bất lương


The word "disorderly" traces back to the Old French "desordonné," meaning "without order." This in turn comes from the prefix "des-" (meaning "without") and the noun "ordonné," meaning "order." The noun "order" itself derives from the Latin "ordo," meaning "row, rank, order." Therefore, "disorderly" literally means "without order" and describes a state of chaos, lack of arrangement, or a breach of rules or regulations.


showing lack of control; publicly noisy or violent

thể hiện sự thiếu kiểm soát; công khai ồn ào hoặc bạo lực

  • disorderly behaviour

    hành vi mất trật tự

  • A disorderly crowd had gathered outside the embassy.

    Một đám đông hỗn loạn đã tụ tập bên ngoài đại sứ quán.


bừa bộn

  • newspapers in a disorderly pile by the door

    những tờ báo chất đống bừa bộn trước cửa


drunk and disorderly
behaving in a noisy or violent way in a public place because you are drunk
  • Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly.