Definition of dragon




The Greek word "drakon" is thought to be derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "der-" meaning "to see" or "to perceive," possibly referring to the creatures' sharp gaze or piercing eyes. The Greek's symbol for Drakon was the Ouroboros, a snake devouring its own tail, representing eternity and cyclical renewal. Throughout history, the concept of dragons has evolved, symbolizing both good and evil, and has appeared in various cultures, myths, and legends. Today, the word "dragon" is synonymous with fire-breathing, scale-covered creatures, often representing power, strength, and mythical proportions.


(in stories) a large, aggressive animal, with wings and a long tail, that can breathe out fire

(trong truyện) một con vật to lớn, hung hãn, có cánh và đuôi dài, có thể thở ra lửa

an offensive word for a woman who you think is aggressive or frightening

một từ xúc phạm đối với một người phụ nữ mà bạn nghĩ là hung hăng hoặc đáng sợ