Definition of donkey


(loài) lừa


Definition of undefined

The word "donkey" has a fascinating history! The term is believed to have originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "asenon," which was borrowed from the Latin "asinus," meaning "ass." The Latin term was likely derived from the Greek "ónos" (ὄνος), another term for donkey. The word "donkey" has undergone several changes throughout the centuries. In Middle English (circa 1300), the word was spelled "asson" or "ason," and it wasn't until the 15th century that the modern spelling "donkey" emerged. In some dialects, especially in the UK, the word "ass" is still commonly used to refer to a donkey, while in America, the more popular term has become "donkey."

  • The farmer led the donkey to the pasture to graze peacefully.

    Người nông dân dắt lừa ra đồng cỏ để gặm cỏ một cách bình yên.

  • The donkey brayed loudly in response to the ringing of the school bell.

    Con lừa kêu to đáp lại tiếng chuông vào học.

  • The children laughed as they rode on the colorful donkey on the carnival game.

    Những đứa trẻ cười đùa khi cưỡi trên con lừa đầy màu sắc trong trò chơi lễ hội.

  • The group of tourists crowded around the wild donkey munching on the grass in the national park.

    Nhóm du khách chen chúc quanh chú lừa hoang đang nhai cỏ trong công viên quốc gia.

  • The donkey refused to budge as the veterinarian tried to give him his shots.

    Con lừa không chịu nhúc nhích khi bác sĩ thú y cố gắng tiêm thuốc cho nó.

  • The stubborn donkey refused to move, even after his owner pulled the rope.

    Con lừa bướng bỉnh vẫn không chịu di chuyển, ngay cả khi chủ của nó kéo sợi dây.

  • The donkey stumbled as it crossed the river, but managed to reach the other side safely.

    Con lừa bị vấp ngã khi băng qua sông, nhưng rồi cũng đến được bờ bên kia an toàn.

  • The donkey patiently carried the heavy load of hay on his back through the dusty terrain.

    Con lừa kiên nhẫn mang trên lưng đống cỏ khô nặng nề qua địa hình bụi bặm.

  • The donkey gazed lazily as the children fed him fresh carrots and apples.

    Con lừa lười biếng nhìn bọn trẻ cho nó ăn cà rốt và táo tươi.

  • The donkey's anxious neighs could be heard through the night as the thunderstorm approached.

    Tiếng hí lo lắng của con lừa vang lên suốt đêm khi cơn giông đang đến gần.


donkey’s (years)
(British English, informal)a very long time
  • We've known each other for donkey's years.
  • I met him once, but that was donkey’s years ago.
  • This technology has been around for donkey's.
  • talk the hind legs off a donkey
    (informal)to talk too much, especially about things that are boring or not important