Definition of domestically


trong nước


"Domestically" comes from the Latin word "domesticus," meaning "of or belonging to the house." This word evolved into the Old French "domestique," then "domestick" in Middle English, before finally becoming "domestic" in modern English. The connection to "house" is key, as "domestically" originally referred to things happening within the home or relating to household affairs. Over time, the meaning broadened to encompass things related to a nation or country, reflecting the idea of the nation as a "household" of sorts.


inside a particular country; not abroad or internationally

bên trong một quốc gia cụ thể; không phải ở nước ngoài hoặc quốc tế

  • domestically produced goods

    hàng sản xuất trong nước

  • The company has performed well both domestically and internationally.

    Công ty đã hoạt động tốt cả trong nước và quốc tế.

in a way that is connected with the home or family

theo cách được kết nối với ngôi nhà hoặc gia đình

  • Domestically, I'm hopeless.

    Ở trong nước, tôi vô vọng.