Definition of dissipation


tiêu tan


The word "dissipation" has its roots in the Latin word "dissipatio," which means "scattering" or "dispersal." This Latin term is derived from "dissipare," which means "to scatter" or "to disperse." In the 15th century, the Latin "dissipatio" was borrowed into Middle English as "dissipation," referring to the act of scattering or dispersing something, such as a crowd or a substance. Over time, the meaning of "dissipation" expanded to encompass the Latin connotation of moral decay and licentiousness, particularly in reference to the "dissipation of one's energies" or "dissipation of one's resources" for frivolous or decadent pursuits. Today, "dissipation" is commonly used to describe the waste or mismanagement of resources, or the act of indulging in excessive or self-destructive behavior.


the process of disappearing or of making something disappear

quá trình biến mất hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó biến mất

  • the dissipation of energy in the form of heat

    sự tiêu tán năng lượng dưới dạng nhiệt

the act of wasting money or spending money until there is none left

hành động lãng phí tiền hoặc tiêu tiền cho đến khi không còn gì

  • concerns about the dissipation of the country’s wealth

    lo ngại về sự tiêu tán của cải của đất nước

behaviour that is fun but has a harmful effect on you

hành vi vui vẻ nhưng có ảnh hưởng xấu đến bạn