Definition of dissolution


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The word "dissolution" has its roots in Latin. The Latin phrase "dissolutio" is derived from "dissolvo," which means "to loosen" or "to dissolve." This Latin word is a combination of "dis-" (meaning "apart" or "asunder") and "solvo" (meaning "to loose" or "to untie"). In English, the word "dissolution" was first used in the 14th century to describe the process of loosening or breaking apart physical bonds, such as dissolving a solid in a liquid. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include other senses, such as the breaking up of a temporal entity, like the end of a contract or the end of an era. Today, "dissolution" is often used to describe the disbanding of an organization, the termination of a relationship, or the collapse of a system or institution.


the act of officially ending a marriage, a business agreement or a parliament; the act of breaking up an organization, etc.

hành động chính thức chấm dứt một cuộc hôn nhân, một thỏa thuận kinh doanh hoặc một nghị viện; hành động phá vỡ một tổ chức, v.v.

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the process in which something gradually disappears

quá trình trong đó một cái gì đó dần dần biến mất

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