Definition of discontinuity


không liên tục


The word "discontinuity" has its roots in the Latin words "dis-" meaning "separate" or "apart", and "continuus" meaning "continuous" or "unbroken". In the 15th century, the Latin phrase "discontinuus" emerged, meaning "broken or disconnected". From there, the term evolved into Middle English as "discontinu", which referred to a break or interruption in something continuous, such as a book or a narrative. By the 17th century, the term had taken on a broader meaning, encompassing any gap or interruption in a sequence, pattern, or process. Over time, the word "discontinuity" has been applied to various fields, including physics, mathematics, and philosophy, to describe a sudden or abrupt change in a phenomenon, a gap or break in a sequence, or a disruption to a normal or expected pattern.


the state of not being continuous

trạng thái không liên tục

  • discontinuity in the children’s education

    sự gián đoạn trong việc giáo dục trẻ em

a break or change in a continuous process

sự gián đoạn hoặc thay đổi trong một quá trình liên tục

  • Changes in government led to discontinuities in policy.

    Những thay đổi trong chính phủ dẫn đến sự gián đoạn trong chính sách.