Definition of deceleration


sự giảm tốc


The word "deceleration" has its roots in Latin. The prefix "de-" means "down" or "away from," and the root "celerare" means "to hasten" or "to speed." Together, the word "deceleration" literally means "to become slower" or "to lose speed." The word "deceleration" was first used in the 17th century in the context of physics, particularly in relation to the slowing down of moving objects. It was later adopted in other fields, such as medicine, to describe a reduction in the rate of a biological process, and in economics, to describe a decline in economic activity. Over time, the word "deceleration" has become a standard term in various scientific and technical fields, and is widely used today to describe any situation in which the speed or rate of something is decreasing.


a reduction in the speed at which a vehicle is travelling

sự giảm tốc độ mà một chiếc xe đang di chuyển

  • The motor generates energy during braking and deceleration.

    Động cơ tạo ra năng lượng trong quá trình phanh và giảm tốc.

  • Avoid sudden decelerations.

    Tránh giảm tốc đột ngột.

the act or process of slowing down; the act or process of making something slower

hành động hoặc quá trình làm chậm lại; hành động hoặc quá trình làm cho cái gì đó chậm hơn

  • a deceleration in economic growth

    sự chậm lại trong tăng trưởng kinh tế