Definition of dearly


thân yêu


The word "dearly" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old English words "dear" and "ly". "Dear" initially meant "beloved" or "costly", and "ly" was a suffix indicating a location or a manner. The combination "dearly" thus meant "in a beloved or costly manner". Over time, the meaning evolved to convey a sense of intensity, implying a strong emotional attachment or importance. By the 16th century, "dearly" was being used to describe actions performed with great love, care, or attention. Today, we still use "dearly" in phrases like "she loved him dearly" or "it was done dearly", signifying a deep affection or great care.


very much

rất nhiều

  • She loves him dearly.

    Cô ấy yêu anh ấy rất nhiều.

  • I would dearly like/love to know what he was thinking.

    Tôi thực sự muốn biết anh ấy đang nghĩ gì.

  • Our dearly beloved Mum passed away suddenly on Tuesday September 7, 2021, aged 74.

    Người mẹ thân yêu của chúng tôi đã đột ngột qua đời vào thứ Ba ngày 7 tháng 9 năm 2021, thọ 74 tuổi.

in a way that causes a lot of pain, difficulty or damage, or that costs a lot of money

theo cách gây ra nhiều đau đớn, khó khăn hoặc thiệt hại, hoặc tốn kém nhiều tiền

  • Success has cost him dearly.

    Thành công đã khiến anh phải trả giá đắt.

  • She paid dearly for her mistake.

    Cô ấy đã phải trả giá đắt cho sai lầm của mình.