Definition of coral reef

coral reefnoun

rạn san hô

Definition of undefined

The term "coral reef" is a combination of two words: "coral" and "reef". "Coral" comes from the Latin word "coralium", which itself likely derives from the Greek word "koraillon", referring to a type of red seaweed. "Reef" originates from the Old English word "rīf", meaning "ridge" or "row". The combination of these two words, "coral reef", accurately describes the underwater ridge or row of rock-like formations built by tiny marine animals called coral polyps.


a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral

một rặng đá trên biển được hình thành do sự phát triển và lắng đọng của san hô

  • the small island is enclosed in the middle of the coral reef

    hòn đảo nhỏ nằm giữa rạn san hô