Definition of copula


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The word "copula" is derived from Latin, specifically the Latin word "copulāre," which means "to join together" or "to connect." The term was first used in logic and philosophy by the medieval scholar John Duns Scotus in the 14th century to refer to a word or expression that links a subject and a predicate in a sentence, forming a statement. This central verb or linking word is what's known as a copula, such as "is," "are," or "was" in English. This usage of copula became common in grammatical discussions during the 18th century and has been a part of modern linguistics and grammar ever since. It's now used to describe the part of speech that links grammatical subjects to predicates, helping to create sentences and express ideas.

  • The sun is shining.

    Trời đang nắng.

  • She is a talented dancer.

    Cô ấy là một vũ công tài năng.

  • The ball is in his court.

    Quả bóng đang ở trong sân của anh ta.

  • They were both tired, so they were simply sitting and resting.

    Cả hai đều mệt mỏi nên họ chỉ ngồi và nghỉ ngơi.

  • He is my best friend.

    Anh ấy là bạn thân nhất của tôi.

  • My brother's cat is sleeping on the couch right now.

    Con mèo của anh trai tôi hiện đang ngủ trên ghế sofa.

  • The house is old but still standing.

    Ngôi nhà đã cũ nhưng vẫn còn đứng vững.

  • She is feeling excited about her upcoming vacation.

    Cô ấy đang cảm thấy hào hứng về kỳ nghỉ sắp tới của mình.

  • The clock is striking midnight.

    Đồng hồ đang điểm nửa đêm.

  • The car is parked in the garage.

    Chiếc xe đang đỗ trong gara.

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