Definition of cooperate


hợp tác


The word "cooperate" has its roots in Latin, dating back to the 15th century. The Latin phrase "conopera," meaning "to do something together," is the source of the word. This phrase was later translated to "conoperare," which meant "to help or work together." In English, the word "cooperate" emerged in the 16th century, initially referring to the act of working together with others for a common purpose. Over time, the word took on a broader meaning, encompassing the idea of mutually supporting and assisting one another. Today, "cooperate" is used to describe various forms of collaboration and teamwork, from business partnerships to diplomatic alliances.


to work together with somebody else in order to achieve something

làm việc cùng với ai khác để đạt được điều gì đó

  • The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.

    Hai nhóm đã đồng ý hợp tác với nhau.

  • They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project.

    Họ đã hợp tác chặt chẽ trong việc lập kế hoạch cho dự án.

Extra examples:
  • The two companies are cooperating in the development of a new engine.

    Hai công ty đang hợp tác phát triển động cơ mới.

  • We are cooperating on a research project.

    Chúng tôi đang hợp tác trong một dự án nghiên cứu.

to be helpful by doing what somebody asks you to do

trở nên hữu ích bằng cách làm những gì ai đó yêu cầu bạn làm

  • Their captors told them they would be killed unless they cooperated.

    Những kẻ bắt giữ họ nói rằng họ sẽ bị giết nếu không hợp tác.

  • The company has agreed to cooperate with the employment survey.

    Công ty đã đồng ý hợp tác khảo sát việc làm.